Quizzes and Tests
In order to provide your child with an excellent educational environment, I will be instilling the behavior clip chart system within our classroom. Every student will start off the day with "Berry Ready To Learn". Students will move their clip up or down the behavior chart according to the behavior choices made throughout the day. If your child moves upwards, it indicates they are going above and beyond in following our class rules and expectations. If a student moves their clip downwards, this means they are not following the class rules or expectations. Your child will be recording what they received for the day in their planner. Please make sure to review your child's planner to see how they did for the day. Below you will find the list of rules that will be implemented within our classroom, as well as the breakdown of our behavior clip chart. Thank you for your support.
Follow directions quickly.
Raise your hand for permission to speak.
Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.
Make smart choices.
Keep your dear teacher happy.
Bravacodo - Outstanding Behavior
Eggcellent Choices - Excellent Behavior
Grape Effort - Above What Is Expected
Berry Ready To Learn - Start of the Day
Think Smore - Warning/Take a Break
Make Butter Choices - Reflection Sheet
Pearent Contact - Telephone Call Home/Conference
**Please note that students will be receiving points for their behavior and attentiveness in class. Students will be able to get points for being on task, completing 45 minutes of iReady (Reading and Math), meeting their AR goal, helping others, participating, etc. Once students reach 45 points or more, they will be rewarded with an incentive. Incentives will include the following: choosing something from our treasure box, sitting in the teacher's chair for the day, sitting with a friend from another class during lunch, etc.